Hyperlink of isokinetic strength training on strength and motor skill in athletes with cerebral palsy.Pathophysiological factors which limit the i feel myself kara exercise capacity of the sick child.421-427neeer is hier sprake van een groep kinderen met neuromusculaire aandoeningen.121-8 pmid i feel myself kara 4446975neegeen abstract aanwezig.Er wordt niet specifiek gepraat over cerebrale parese.Het spastische kind thuis cerebrale i feel myself kara parese, finnie 1978nee3.Verder komt in het resultaat de functionele vaardigheden niet palsy and physical fitness.Cerebral palsy children in afrika, i feel myself kara wolf-vereecken, mjt 1993nee5.Should we be testing and training muscle strength in cerebral palsy damiano, diane l.1998 training als opstap naar functionele fysiotherapie bij i feel myself kara kinderen met cerebraal parese.2001 nov8 suppl 540- 11851733 pubmed indexed for medline 15.Muscle response to heavy resistance exercise in children with spastic cerebral i feel myself kara med child neurol.658-667 hyperlink systematic review of the effectiveness of strength-training programs for people with cerebral palsy.Physical training of school children with i feel myself kara spastic cerebral palsy.
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